Eight out of ten; An enormous occupancy rate for the night of a day spent under the threat of rain clouds and the warnings of meteorology. The majority of the crowd filling Harbiye Open Air is young and female, but what is surprising is not this, but the story of Russian musician Evgeny Grinko in our country. He is the extraordinary example; There is no one else I know who came from abroad and became a superstar here in such a short time. Moreover, at the beginning of his career, the music he makes is instrumental. Evgeny sets foot in every corner of the country and fills every concert. Undoubtedly, the fact that his manager is Erdem Çapar, a former metalsmith among us, plays a big role.
After five minutes of ambient music, six musicians take the stage amidst smoke. From left to right, Evgeny in the lead, Ekaterina Zeynetdinova and Zagidat Gadzhieva on violins, Pavel Matckevic on viola, Yana Cekina on cello, Evgeniya Popova on accordion. On the far right of the stage in our opinion, there is an abandoned drum set… They are all dressed in black, the only light tone on the stage is Evgeny’s white socks peeking out from between his trouser leg and his shoes. He has learned our language and makes the first announcement in Turkish, with a not bad accent. We realized that he is no longer a stranger, but a child of our neighborhood…
After the introductory song, after finishing “Things From The Past” and “Foggy Today”, Evgeny gets up from the piano and switches to acoustic guitar for two more songs. When he sits down at the piano again, there is applause because one of his famous pieces, “Faulkner’s Sleep”, begins. The next round of applause is for a Ukrainian folk song. Then, Evgeny is left alone on stage for four pieces. She says that she played an unnamed piece in the solo part to celebrate the 52nd birthday of her beloved Yann Tiersen.
Evgeny is not a virtuoso, he is much more than just an instrumentalist, he is a real artist. The secret of his difference is that he did not receive an academic education. He bases his compositions on the sequential order of short melodies. It plays plain and simple, and it’s magical. He finds melodies that make the heart tremble. It deals with a melancholy reminiscent of minimalist film scores. The atmosphere it creates is very powerful; As if he came out of the Eleni Karaindrou school. The pieces are very short but thematic. It is full of heavy drama and sadness, but it is not without the joy of life.
He plays his most well-known piece, “Valse”, in duo with a violist. While they play “Dusty Room” to the clapping of the hands of the musicians and the audience, the main melody is played by the accordion.
Not only the music but also the increasingly cold weather causes goosebumps. The tension does not rise throughout the concert, even though there are short ups and downs as if blinking an eye from time to time… However, when Evgeny switches to drums for the last four tracks (including some from the upcoming album: Grass Dew And Marmalade, Someone Who Forgot His Watch, Tango, The Grate Escape), our heart rhythms accelerate. , they finish the concert at the highest place on the noise throne, that is, at the top… They play with such great joy that; I counted on my fingers, I couldn’t understand how 25 pieces were finished so quickly. Not only them, but also the flamboyant lighting and sound systems were perfect for this music.
Evgeny smokes his cigarette before playing “Valse” again in the encore. The audience lights up the night like fireflies with the light of their mobile phones, which replaced the lighters; It’s like listening to the song “From the Roses” by MFÖ…
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