“I’m sorry that I have to explain this, but not nationality affects a career, but people”
Highly-talented pianist and composer Evgeny Grinko has been interviewed by Azerbaijani journalist Hafiz Ahmadov. proudly presents the exclusive interview with russian musician Evgeny Grinko.
-How do you remember your childhood? What was missing in the family you grew up?
-I remember certain moments. I remember the view from the pram. music from an old radio, and the fragrance of cool autumn air from my childhood.
Nothing was missing in the family I grew up.
-What keeps you motivated in this hard times? How do you stay creative?
-Power of life, power of creativity. If im not working that mean im dead or sick.
-To what do you credit your success?
-Most likely music critics or art historians will be able to answer this question better. I think that my musical taste and individual sense of music (and of course the effort of will) led me to success.
I know this is a boring answer. So I’ll add that I just figured out the musical language of feelings and just keep it secret from everyone
-What are your plans for the future? What would you like to say to those who love you?
-I have a lot of plans and ideas. But now I was forced to be left without tools for work. I will try to fix this situation as soon as possible and return to the embodiment of ideas.
One of my ideas is the interpretation of folk music from different countries. The other is a recording of alternative music that I composed many years ago. (We will play a few compositions at concerts in Baku)
-How does your music affect your life?
-Music didn’t affect my life, music made my life. Music is something without which we cannot imagine our lives.
-What would your superpower be?
-Give emotion to simple music.
-If you could go back in time, what would you change?
-Nothing. Because otherwise I would devalue all the lessons of life and the mistakes I made.
-What is your greatest fear?
-Loss of freedom.
-Which book changed your life?
-I have read many books in my life but I can’t choose one because it would be unfair to other books that have left a mark on my life.
-What do you owe your parents?
-Nothing. They are not bankers 🙂
-What is the biggest misconception about you?
-We should ask my friends or parents.
-We would like to know your thoughts about Baku, Azerbaijan. What would you like to tell people, youth who love you in Azerbaijan?
-This will be my first visit to Baku. I will be able to answer this question only after I visit this city. But I look forward to getting to know the city with impatience and excitement
-What does religion mean for you?
-I am an atheist and I prefer the scientific method and science. And in fact, in communication or work, it doesn’t matter to me whether a person is religious or not. I respect other people’s choices.
-How does your nationality affect your career? How do you see your future?
-I’m sorry that I have to explain this, but not nationality affects a career, but people.
If in 2022 there are still people who believe that the quality, character and personality of a person can be influenced by nationality, or in general that nationally can give at least some information besides what kind of passport a person owns…
I must admit we are still living in dark times
And what has been the greatest obstacle Evgeny Grinko’ve overcome?
-Laziness, fear, doubts.
-If you were “Szpilman” in “The Pianist” , what music would you play for the world today?
-Perhaps “C minor” would be enough for me. But I don’t know if that would be enough for the world.
-What is the best thing anyone’s said to you?
-Many years ago my drum teacher told me: don’t play it fast, but rather play it beautifully.
-What does the war mean for you?
-Nothing good. And I’m sorry that for someone it may be different.
-When would you prefer a gun to a piano? What is victory for you?
-I would prefer that there were no such questions or situations in the world at all. So that people could develop and use their brains, can control their instincts and take care of humanity.
-What do you think about politics? What’s happening in the world now?
-Most of people still don’t want to learn history, and if they do, they learn badly and don’t learn from the mistakes of history. Still do not value other people’s life and sometimes their own, still don’t respect other people’s choices. And among this we have to live in 2022.
-When are you happiest?
-In my imagination and fantasies.
Hafiz Ahmadov
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